Industrial animal agriculture relies heavily on pesticide-intensive field crops, making animal exploitation a surprising cause of much US pesticide consumption.
Digital tools can gather and interpret data that may enhance farmed animal well-being and productivity. Are such tools beneficial or harmful to the interests of farmed animals?
Slaughter-free cultivated meat holds great promise for transforming food production but faces scientific and regulatory challenges on its way to store shelves.
Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) harm animals, disrupt rural economies, and pollute the environment. Can we secure a future food system free of CAFOs?
Farmers are at the heart of the overlapping environmental, social, and animal welfare challenges facing the US food system. Statistics reveal insights into the past, present, and future of US farming.
To cultivate dignity, justice, and sustainability in the food system, Stray Dog Institute provides nonprofit allies with funding, strategic research, and opportunities for collaboration. Together, we hope to build a more compassionate world for people, animals, and the environment.